Appalachian Forest
Farmer Coalition

Forest Farming Online Resources & Training
These online resources cover information, compliance and training that can help you build your forest farming project into a productive side income or into a full-on viable business.
From alternative crops, to "Good Manufacturing Practice", to hands-on training and grant resources, each topic is important to understand in order to get a full picture of what is required to create a successful forest farm business.
Forest Farming Webinars
Non-timber Forest Product 2014
Webinar Series

From Ginseng to Mushrooms: Goodies from your Woods
New Forest Farming Resources!
Virtual Resources and Videos
Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program
VFLEP on YouTube Channel
ForestHer NC Youtube Channel
Legacy Planning
Regional Groups
West Virginia Forest Farming Initiative
"Small Entity Compliance Guide: Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements" - DEC 2010
American Herbal Product Association
Good Agricultural and Collection Practices
Northern Region
New England Extension Food Safety Consortium
Training and Education opportunities in the NE
Food Safety, Food Entrepreneurs courses and resources
Southern Region
NC Alternative Crops & Organics Program
Jeanine Davis, NC Extension, Non-timber Forest Products, Ramps, Medicinal Herbs publications and videos.
Bionetwork Continuing Education
Small Business Technology Development Center
Business planning and economic resources for Natural Products small businesses